Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weigh In Day - Patti

My official weigh in day is Thursday morning. 

On the positive side I am doing a great job on maintaining my weight with in a 1 pound range. 

That would really be great if I was at my goal weight but since I have about 15 pounds to go it's very frustrating. 

The scale goes up .8, down .8, up .8...

I guess that's not too bad considering I've eaten 4 hot fudge sundaes over the past couple of weeks, celebrated two of my boy's birthdays with double fudge chocolate cake and attended a BBQ cook off where I had to sample eat ribs, pulled pork, chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, peach cobbler...Well you get the idea.

An occasional treat is OK but I have to face the fact that 

I've eaten too much and I need to get back on track!

I'm thankful for a new day, a new start...

The Lord's loving kindness indeed never ceases, His compassion never fails. 
They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:23

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