Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Very Good Week - By Patti

I've had the best week I've had in a long time.

I love our weekly get together. I don't like calling us a group or that we have a weekly meeting because that seems so formal. We're just three friends getting together and helping one another.

Last week we went on a field trip of sorts. To the mall - specifically to Victoria's Secret. Lunch out and a day of shopping does wonders. It was the jump start I needed to get back on track. 

At Barnes and Noble I bought two books. 

Walk It Off by Readers Digest

Some really good, practical ideas to get you walking. Plus exercises and recipes. 
Walk It Off: Lose Weight the Easy Way Look Great * Get Healthy * Eat Well * Embrace Life

The Wildwater Walking Club by Claire Cook

A fun read about Noreen who loses both her job and her boyfriend and finds herself floundering. She dons a pair of sneakers and a pedometer and starts walking. Along the way she meets two new friends and improves her health and her life. 
The Wildwater Walking Club

Like Noreen I pulled out my pedometer and started walking this week.  Tried to get in at least 10,000 steps a day. 

I tracked every bit of food I consumed and stayed within my points.

Ate my five veggies and fruits each day.

Even got in two servings of dairy - on most days.

And it paid off. I lost 2.4 pounds this week! 


I've struggled each week to lose  .2 or .4 so I'm elated!

Since Trina posted about her purchase here I have to share my big Valentine's purchase.

I loved what she had to say on her post...

Have fun now while you're on your way
to accomplishing your goals!

I agree! Why wait?

Don't put things off until you think you achieve that perfect goal.

Have fun NOW!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!


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