Saturday, February 23, 2013

Damage Control and A Recipe For Grilled Salmon

Have you ever had one of those days when you're trying to do everything right but you mess up royally?

That was my day today. 

While out running errands my husband suggested that we stop and get a chicken pot pie from KFC. 

OK I thought a chicken pot pie full of veggies couldn't be all that bad.

I wasn't prepared and I didn't have my Dining Out guide so I guesstimated the points at around 12-15.

Ha! Was I wrong. After we got home I checked the points. 

21 Points!

I was so mad at myself. I only get 26 points for the whole day!!!

But I couldn't go back and change what had already been done so I did a little damage control. 

First, I looked at what I'd done right that day.

1. I had eaten a low 3 point breakfast. Good

1/2 cup cooked oatmeal
1 apple
1 teaspoon brown sugar

2. With my pot pie I drank water. Good

3. I had 2 points left from my daily allowance after I ate the pot pie. Not great but at least I had something to work with:-)

4. I haven't used any of my extra points for the week. Good

How I salvaged the rest of the day:

I'd already planned to grill salmon steaks for dinner so I decided to go ahead and cook it. 

6 ounces grilled Wild Salmon = 8 points (with 1 tsp oil)
Salad with 2 TBS of Sesame Ginger dressing = 1 point
Broccoli and red peppers lightly steamed = 0 points
All this plus a salad for only 9 points!

I also wanted to get in at least one serving of dairy so for an evening snack I made a smoothie. Coconut milk, banana, cherries and a hand full of spinach. All for only 2 points.

I had to dip in to my bonus points to make up the extra 9 points that I went over today. 

But that's OK. I try not to use them but that's what the bonus points are for. 

There was a time that I would have just thrown in the towel and said the heck with it. I screwed up by eating the wrong thing so I might as well forget it and eat whatever I want. 

Just a little damage control and I'm back on track. 

What do you do when you mess up? Give up or do a little damage control?

Grilled Salmon Steaks

1 - six - eight ounce salmon steak per person
(Be sure to purchase wild salmon not farm raised.)

For each salmon steak:
1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice 
1 teaspoon olive oil 
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Rinse the salmon steaks and pat dry with paper towel.
Brush each steak with oil.
Salt and pepper each steak
Oil the grill grate so the fish doesn't stick. 
Place each steak on the grill and sprinkle with 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice.
Grill over hot coals for 6 minutes. 
Flip the salmon, sprinkle the rest of the lemon juice on the fish and cook another 6 minutes. 
Test for doneness. 
Fish should flake easily. 

Don't overcook!



Friday, February 22, 2013

Tip for the Day-Reducing Sugar in Our Diet

Last night at my WW meeting one of the ladies said she had a drinking problem. 

KOOL-AID that is! 
The real stuff made with real sugar. 

She said she'd drink the whole pitcher-at least 2 quarts. That's one cup of sugar!

People were giving her advice. Telling her to drink something sugar free like Crystal Light or to drink water instead. 

One of the ladies who has had a very successful weight-loss (and kept it off) told her not to do that. That instead of trying to go cold turkey she should wean herself off the Kool-Aid slowly by adding a little more water to the pitcher.  Increase the amount of water and decrease the amount of sugar slowly so her taste buds could adjust. 

She said that by going cold turkey she'd be setting herself up for failure. 

I did something similar with sugar and oatmeal. I used to use at least 2 Tablespoons of sugar on my oatmeal. I began to reduce the amount of sugar by 1 teaspoon a day. I now can eat my oatmeal with only 1 teaspoon of sugar and I'm OK with it. I know if I'd tried to go cold turkey I wouldn't have stuck to it. 

It also worked with my coffee. I went from 3 teaspoons of sugar per cup to drinking it with no sugar. 

Sometimes we have to trick our bodies in to doing the right thing!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Very Good Week - By Patti

I've had the best week I've had in a long time.

I love our weekly get together. I don't like calling us a group or that we have a weekly meeting because that seems so formal. We're just three friends getting together and helping one another.

Last week we went on a field trip of sorts. To the mall - specifically to Victoria's Secret. Lunch out and a day of shopping does wonders. It was the jump start I needed to get back on track. 

At Barnes and Noble I bought two books. 

Walk It Off by Readers Digest

Some really good, practical ideas to get you walking. Plus exercises and recipes. 
Walk It Off: Lose Weight the Easy Way Look Great * Get Healthy * Eat Well * Embrace Life

The Wildwater Walking Club by Claire Cook

A fun read about Noreen who loses both her job and her boyfriend and finds herself floundering. She dons a pair of sneakers and a pedometer and starts walking. Along the way she meets two new friends and improves her health and her life. 
The Wildwater Walking Club

Like Noreen I pulled out my pedometer and started walking this week.  Tried to get in at least 10,000 steps a day. 

I tracked every bit of food I consumed and stayed within my points.

Ate my five veggies and fruits each day.

Even got in two servings of dairy - on most days.

And it paid off. I lost 2.4 pounds this week! 


I've struggled each week to lose  .2 or .4 so I'm elated!

Since Trina posted about her purchase here I have to share my big Valentine's purchase.

I loved what she had to say on her post...

Have fun now while you're on your way
to accomplishing your goals!

I agree! Why wait?

Don't put things off until you think you achieve that perfect goal.

Have fun NOW!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Day Out - By Trina

Instead of our Healthy Habits meeting last week ,
we went out for the day!
We ate a healthy lunch and did a little shopping.
and . . .
We are experimenting with moving outside our comfort zone.
Here's one of my purchases. It's for Valentine's Day, well for that evening.

Here's the card I made for my sweetheart!

Inside the hearts at the top it says you, me, God. Also later I added a paper key to the front.

Have fun now while you're on your way
to accomplishing your goals!
Maybe this motto needs to be one of our Healthy Habits!

How I Get My Fruits and Veggies - Trina

What I've been eating to try and get in my
5 servings of fruits and vegetables

Mixed Green Salad with orange peel, a squeeze of fresh orange juice, salsa and tropical mango dressing. I discovered that I enjoy salads with citrus flavors. 2 tbsp Tropical Mango dressing is 1PPV.
Nutrition Facts for the 2 tbsp of this dressing: Fat 1.5g, Carbohydrate 5g,  Fiber 0g,  Protein 0g,  Sodium 90 mg, Sugar 4g

Mixed Green Salad with taco meat

Working on my spaces!
Pre-cut fruits and vegetables in my refrigerator

I put half of a small paper towel in the bottom of the containers of my pre-cut fresh fruits like strawberries.The paper towel absorbs excess juice and seems to keep the fruit fresher longer.

My Berry Parfait

Contains:  6oz. Fage 0% Greek Yogurt - 2PPV, 1 Truvia  or Pure via
2 tsp. honey 1 PPV, cinnamon and berries all layer throughout.