Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A New Beginning

The New Year is fast approaching and it's time for those infamous New Year's resolutions!
Like many people I dutifully make a list of really great resolutions...

  1. Lose weight
  2. Exercise
  3. Run a marathon (not really, I've never had that on my list!)
  4. Save money
  5. and lots of other really good things I want to do...
And like many people (maybe you) I run out of steam around February 8. Or sooner:-)

It takes more than writing a list or having good intentions. There has to be a better way...

I had been attending Weight Watchers for about 9 weeks and had only lost about 4 pounds. Well actually I lost 6 but put 2 back on. Needless to say I was frustrated and felt like I was wasting my $45.00 a month.

Trina had attended WW for a couple of years and although she had lost 22 pounds she seemed stuck. She was unable to shed the additional pounds to get to goal.

We talked about this at our annual Christmas party and cookie exchange.  Trina  shared with me that during her prayer time God reveled to her that what was missing was a support system. One on one sharing with another person. She also talked to me about the need to develop habits that would promote weight loss and  good health.

I was hooked and  "Healthy Habits" was born.

We decided to meet together once a week beginning  in December to work on developing habits in our daily life that would lead us to weight loss and better health. The goal is to work on one habit for 3-4 weeks giving enough time for the habit to become a habit. (don't they say it takes 21 days to develop a habit?)

Along the way we hope to improve our eating. lose weight, develop a more active lifestyle and support one another while we grow in fellowship.

This blog will chronicle our journey to developing healthy habits in 2013.

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